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Antwort auf: Mega2560 an DRV8825 und Schrittmotor

Projekte und Tutorials für Arduino Foren StartHardware-Forum Mega2560 an DRV8825 und Schrittmotor Antwort auf: Mega2560 an DRV8825 und Schrittmotor


// OriginalCode der o.g.Internetseite
const int DirPin = 4; // this pin defines direction CW or CCW
const int StepPin = 5; // pulse this pin to move one step
const int SPR = 200; // Steps per revolution

void setup()
// Make pins as Outputs
pinMode(StepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DirPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// First let us rotate shaft clockwise
digitalWrite(DirPin, HIGH); // defines the direction to clockwise

// Pulse the step pin
for(int x = 0; x < SPR; x++)
digitalWrite(StepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(StepPin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Short delay of one second

// Now rotate shaft counterclockwise
digitalWrite(DirPin, LOW);

// Again pulse the step pin
for(int x = 0; x < SPR; x++)
digitalWrite(StepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(StepPin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Short delay of one second

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