Interactive Christmas Decoration – Part 5: Analog Input with LDR

Interactive Christmas decoration - rgb, led, ldr and server

In the previous chapters we covered the output variants of the NodeMCU, now lets get a value back from it. We are using the LDR what stands for light dependant resistor.


Extend the circuit with the LDR and a resistor of 100kOhm (brown-black-yellow). It is a series circuit going from GND to the resistor and from there through the LDR into the 3.3V+. It is called voltage divider. The junction of the resistor and LDR is connected to the analog input of the NodeMCU.

NodeMCU circuit with led, ldr, rgb


The code only extends the analog output by delivering a new element to the webpage.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
const char* ssid  = "IoTBerlin-Meetup";        // Wifi name (SSID)
const char* password = "s3mant1cs!";  // Wifi password
ESP8266WebServer server(80);    // Server port
String Temp = "";
int d2pin = D2;   // RGB LED - Red
int d2state = 255;
int d5pin = 14;   // RGB LED - Green
int d5state = 255;
int d6pin = 12;   // RGB LED - Blue
int d6state = 255;
int d7pin = D7;
int d7state = 0;
int analogPin = A0;
String HTML_header = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\" http-equiv=\"content-type\">    <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\">    <title>WebSchalter</title></head><style>    html {        background-color: grey;    }    body {        margin: auto;                margin-top: 60px;    }    button {        height: 120px;        width: 100%;        font-size: 48px;        background-color: cornflowerblue;        border: none;        color: white;        margin-bottom: 10px;    }        button:active {        background-color: darkturquoise;        color: white;        border: none;    }        button.on{        background-color: red;    }    a {        text-decoration: none;    }        </style><body><a href=\"/args?d2pin=255&d5pin=0&d6pin=0\"><button>RED</button></a><a href=\"/args?d2pin=0&d5pin=255&d6pin=0\"><button>GREEN</button></a><a href=\"/args?d2pin=0&d5pin=0&d6pin=255\"><button>BLUE</button></a>";
String HTML_d7_off = "<a href=\"/args?d7pin=1\"><button>d7 - LED</button></a>";
String HTML_d7_on = "<a href=\"/args?d7pin=0\"><button class=\"on\">d7 - LED</button></a>";
String HTML_footer = "</body></html>";
/* ***** ***** ***** ***** Setup ***** ***** ***** ***** */
void setup()
  pinMode(d2pin , OUTPUT);                  // D2 set as Output
  pinMode(d5pin , OUTPUT);                  // D5 set as Output
  pinMode(d6pin , OUTPUT);                  // D6 set as Output
  pinMode(d7pin , OUTPUT);                  // D7 set as Output
  Serial.begin(115200);                     // start serial communication
  connectToWifi();                          // start wifi
/* ***** Webpage: executed when "http://<ip address>/" is called ***** */
void the_webpage() {
  Temp = HTML_header;                        // top part of the html
  if (d7state == 1) {                        // d7 part of html page – the html code for a button
    Temp += HTML_d7_on;
  } else {
    Temp += HTML_d7_off;
  Temp += "<button>LDR: ";
  Temp += analogRead(analogPin);             // putting out the analog value
  Temp += "</button>";
  Temp += HTML_footer;                       // bottom part of the html page
  server.send(200, "text/html", Temp);       // serving the html page
/* ***** ***** ***** ***** Event Functions ***** ***** ***** ***** */
void handleArgs() {
  if (server.arg("d2pin")!= ""){             // if specific argument is not empty
    d2state = server.arg("d2pin").toInt();   // set d2 pin to received argument
  if (server.arg("d5pin")!= ""){             // if specific argument is not empty
    d5state = server.arg("d5pin").toInt();   // set d5 pin to received argument
  if (server.arg("d6pin")!= ""){             // if specific argument is not empty
    d6state = server.arg("d6pin").toInt();   // set d6 pin to received argument
  if (server.arg("d7pin")!= ""){             // if specific argument is not empty
    d7state = server.arg("d7pin").toInt();   // set d7 pin to received argument
  the_webpage();                             // deliver webpage
/* ***** ***** ***** Wifi Functions ***** ***** ***** */
void showStates(){                           // map all states to pins
  digitalWrite(d7pin, d7state);              // LED
  analogWrite(d2pin, d2state);               // RGB LED red
  analogWrite(d5pin, d5state);               // RGB LED green
  analogWrite(d6pin, d6state);               // RGB LED blue
/* ***** ***** ***** ***** Loop ***** ***** ***** ***** */
void loop() {
  server.handleClient();                     // update function for server
  showStates();                              // map states to pins
  delay(10);                                 // some time to process
/* ***** ***** ***** Wifi Functions ***** ***** ***** */
void connectToWifi() {  
  Serial.print("Connect to"); Serial.println(ssid);  
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("Wifi connected");
  Serial.println("IP addresse of the web server is: ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());   // output the ip
  server.on("/", the_webpage);      // show website on root call
  server.on("/args", handleArgs);   // associate the handler function to the path
  server.begin();                   // start the server
  Serial.println ("Webserver running, waiting for ESP8266 ...");

Now, you can use the value to influence the behaviour of your Christmas decoration and of course you should now build come cool things from it. Christmas stars, disco balls – what ever you can imagine. Have fun with it!

The Complete Tutorial

Dieser Beitrag ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar: Workshop: Interaktive Weihnachtsdekoration Teil 5 – Analoger Input mit LDR

2 thoughts on “Interactive Christmas Decoration – Part 5: Analog Input with LDR”

  1. Pingback: Workshop: Interaktive Weihnachtsdekoration Teil 5 – Analoger Input mit LDR – Arduino Tutorial

  2. Pingback: Interactive Christmas Decoration – Part 2 - StartHardware - Tutorials for Arduino

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