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Micro-controlls are small computers which can be programmed. They are build into almost every technical device you know. You could find it in toys, microwaves, cellphones, robots and spacecrafts.
Here we show you, how you can program it yourself. From blinking LEDs to your own digital pet you can explore the exciting world of programmable hardware.

Level 1

Level 1

StartHardware.org Unit 1 Preparation

1. Preparation

We download the software and install it.

StartHardware.org Unit 2 The Arduino

2. The Arduino

A little computer where we can attach LEDs, motors and sensors.

StartHardware.org Unit 3 Circuit

3. Circuit

What is a circuit? What is current? And what is voltage?

StartHardware.org Unit 4 Our first circuit

4. Our first Circuit

One LED, one button and one resistor – Wait, what is a resistor?

Level 2

Level 2

StartHardware.org Unit 5 – The Breadboard

5. The Breadboard

What is a breadboard and how does it work? Why do some materials conduct electricity?

StartHardware.org Unit 6 – Digital Out Preparation

6. Digital Out Preparation

We build our first interactive circuit which we can program with Arduino.

StartHardware.org Unit 7 – Digital Out: Finally we start!

7. Digital Out: Finally we start!

You write your first program! I tell you what to take care of.

StartHardware.org Unit 8 – It’s blinking!

8. It’s blinking!

Now we make the LED blinking. I show you why we sometimes have to stop the Arduino.

Level 3

Level 3

StartHardware.org Unit 9 – Variables!

9. Variables!

What are variables and what are variables good for?

Unit 10 – For-Loop and the LED calculator

10. For-Loop and the LED calculator

Now, I show you the for-loop. We use it to build a LED calculator.

StartHardware.org Unit 11 – The Button

11. The Button

What is a button and how can we find out if it is pushed or not?

StartHardware.org Unit 12 – The Button and the if-Statement

12. The Button and the if-Statement

Now you learn the if-statement. It is one of the most important constructions in programming.

Level 4

Level 4

StartHardware.org Unit 13 – Fading LEDs using the Analog Output

13. Fading LEDs using the Analog Output

I show you, that LEDs can not only be switched on or off but even be faded.

StartHardware.org Unit 14 – Melody

14. Melody

How can we transform electrical signals into hearable sound?

StartHardware.org Unit 15 – Array

15. Array

How can we store multiple values in one variable? And why is it related to cargo ships?

StartHardware.org Unit 16 – One-Button-Piano

16. One-Button-Piano

How can we build a piano with just one button?

Level 5

Level 5

Unit 17 – The sun plays music: The analog input

17. The sun plays music: The analog input

Can she sun play music? How does a photo-resistor works? What is an analog input?

StartHardware.org Unit 18 – Touch sensitive instrument

18. Touch sensitive instrument

We use the body resistance to create sounds.

StartHardware.org Unit 19 – My digital pet 1/2

19. My digital pet, part 1

Stroking, purring and grumbling – is becomes a pet.

Unit 20 – My digital pet 2/2

20. My digital pet, part 2

We program the behaviour and make the shape of the pet.

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